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antonella arismendi

Esta chica de mitad de los ochenta paso su infancia entre barbies, twin peaks y los fantasmas de Raota, que decoran los pasillos de su casa hasta el día de hoy.
Sus influencias confluyen en una mágica fusión de sensualidad, técnica y mística que han definido su perfil artístico.
Magnética por naturaleza, Antonella planea hacer explotar todo. Al menos eso dice su carta natal.

This little lady from the mid eighties grew up with barbies, twin peaks and the ghosts of Pedro Raota, which adorn the hallways of her home to this very day.
Her influences converge in a magical fusion of technique, sensuality and mystique which have defined her artistic persona.
Captivating by nature, Antonella plans to blow up everything, at least that's what her natal chart says.

Client list: Loreal France, Diageo, Unilever, Sony Ericsson, Nike, Docomo Japan, Anti Sweden, New Age Usa, Jose Cuervo, Redken, Rexona, C&A,
Intima Cherry Spain, Kling Spain, Mccan Erickson France, Randall Stewart Group, Daimler Chrysler, Pavlov Spain, Ponce, Sr Rushmore Spain,
Rolling Stone,Vnfold, DMag, 160grams France, Catalogue, Schôn UK, Vanidades.

Photographer: Antonella Arismendi
Models: Alex Nestor and Yamil Castiglione
Magazine: D Mag
Title: Illuminati
Thanks. Xurxo Baca

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