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calle stolz

Calle Stoltz es otro fotógrafo sueco, que he mencionado en otro post, ha trabajado para clientes como Absolut Vodka, Renault, Telenor, Stefanel, Schwarzkopf, H&M, Nokia, Cordaid Café, Elle, Tush, Plaza, no tiene web pero su trabajo se puede seguir desde la web de su representante Agent Bauer.

Calle Stoltz is another Swedish photographer, which I mentioned in another post, he has worked for clients such as Absolut Vodka, Renault, Telenor, Stefanel, Schwarzkopf, H&M, Nokia, Cordaid Cafe, Elle, Tush, Plaza, he hasn't website but his work you can see from the his representative's website Agent Bauer.
Campaign: Indigofera Jeans
Blog: callestoltz

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