Albert Watson, Edimburgo 1942. Comenzó su carrera a principios de los 70, estableciéndose en Los Ángeles y Nueva York. A pesar de ser ciego de un ojo, ha conseguido publicar para revistas como Vogue, Rolling Stone, Newsweek y editar varios libros y catálogos. Estas fotos pertenecen a su libro Twelve, con más de 6 ediciones, fotografías tomadas en 1978 con modelos de la talla de Patti Hansen, Apolonia, Beverly Johnson, Lisa Cooper, Debbie Dickenson, Mike Edwards, Elaine Grove, Dayle Haddon, Eloísa, Hutton Linda y Taylor Lisa. Styling Elizabeth Watson.
Albert Watson, Edinburgh 1942 began his career at the beginning of the 70´s, being established in Los Angeles and New York. In spite of being blind of an eye, it has managed to publish for magazines like Vogue, Rolling Stone, Newsweek and to edit several books and catalogues. These photos belong to his book Twelve, with more than 6 editions, photographies taken in 1978 with such a models like Patti Hansen, Apolonia, Beverly Johnson, Lisa Cooper, Debbie Dickenson, Mike Edwards, Elaine Grove, Dayle Haddon, Eloísa, Hutton Linda and Taylor Lisa.
Web: Albert Watson
21/mayo/2010. Playa de Barrañán, 32 grados. Campaña otoño invierno de Hortensia. Producción Sistema y Closer Studio. La Canon de Luis, un móvil y un montón de aficionados fotografiando el impresionante Chevy Impala del 59 de mi amigo Benito..., divertirse no tiene precio.
05/21/2010. Barrañán´'s Beach, 32 degrees. Hortensia autumn winter season. Sistema production and Closer Studio. Luis's Canon, a mobile and a lot of fans photographing the awesome Chevy Impala from de 59s of Benito's friend ... to have fun doesn't have price.
Photos: David, Benito, Jacobo, Manuel
Model: Benito
Rent_Car: Chevrolet Impala
Aportación de nuestro amigo Xurxo Baca, en la web de Daniel Gil Rodrigo encontrarás editoriales de moda muy interesantes, colaborando con el estilista Fernando Torres (no es "el niño"). Daniel es chileno y actualmente reside en Londres.
Contribution from our friend Xurxo Baca, on Daniel Gil Rodrigo's website you will found interesting fashion editorials, collaborating with stylist Fernando Torres (not "the kid" Spanish football player). Daniel is from Chile and now he lives in London.
Web: danielgilrodrigo
Otro post de Waldemar esta vez en solitario, anteriormente colaborando con Max Modén.
Another post by Waldemar, this time alone, previusly working with Max Modén.
Web: waldemar and max
Photographer: Waldemar Hansson
Model: Barbora Pracharova
Stylist: Kawa H Pour
Hair: Robert Preston
Make Up: Helen Borg
Via: calikartel
Model: Rafael Bodgar
Make-up: Pedro Cedeño (Talents)
Stylist: María Martínez
Hair: María Perucho
Make-up: Goyo Acevedo
Model: Nuria Fernández (Group), Zeus (Delphoss), Jonathan Morón (Just Models Lisbon), Joaquín Morodo (Traffic)
Magazine: Moose