Photographer: Mikael Jansson
Models: Charlize Theron and Kristen Stewart
Stylist: Karl Templer
Interview #June/July 2012
Title: Flip the Hollywood Script
Via: theenglishgroup

Photographer: Remi Rebillard
Model: Dominique Clerc
MakeUp and Hair: Davide Calcinai
Title: My Dinner With Helmut Newton
For photographer Remi Rebillard creating this shoot was more than just a creative process; it was a reminiscence. It was inspired by, Remi says, a dinner he had with supermodel Karen Mulder and her then-boyfriend at the Brasserie Lipp in Paris, 1996. Sitting next to them was famous photographer Helmut Newton and his wife June.
Newton was, in Remi’s account, “shooting pictures of anything around him while eating” – the ceiling, the people, the waiters, and Karen.
Since those days photography has moved on to the point where everyone is some kind of photographer. Digital makes photography accessible and many would say the true charm is gone. Or at least, harder to find.
Thinking back to those Newton days Remi created Emulsion, the title referencing manual film processing. The images themselves are cleverly overlaid with rippling water, or are photographs of photographs. In those effects do Remi’s reminiscences lie.
“I just miss the Polaroid and this period sometimes,” says Remi. (portfolio Remi)
Photographer: Remi Rebillard
Model Elizabeth Ferrara
Titled Sleepless
Hair artist Davide Calcinai
Stylist and designer: Kulli Kokamagi
Via: mymodernmet
Photographer: Remi Rebillard
Model: Alana
In Remi’s eye, Alana symbolizes the powerful beauty of nature, sensuality and the female body.
(portfolio Remi)
In the last year, Di Fazio’s profile has undergone a rapid evolution. Commissioned fashion stories in the US and South America and Europe collaborations with artists, designers and stylists; invitations to work with leading performance artists and various published features in a number of high fashion magazines.
Di Fazio’s fine art background has served him well, with his artistic sensibilities freeing him from the technical boundaries that prevent so many young photographers from forging into new territory.
Photographer: Elvis di Fazio
Fashion Editor: Bex Sheers
MakeUp and Hair: Kelly Grant
Models: Blade Love, Avril Alexander, Bart y Rebecca Victoria
Art Design: Lloyd Stevie
Via: benhammer
Tangent Magazine
Title: A.D.I.D.A.S (All Day I Dream About Sex)
"We specialise in advertising and fashion photography, styling, creating ideas and retouching. We do like interesting and unusual projects and do our best in every project."
Photographer: Ilya Plotnikov & Alexandra Zaharova
Doberman Studio
Stylist: Vava Marevicheff-Ignatenko
Hair: Alena Moisseeva
Title: Penguins!
Photographer: Matt Irwin
Video: Gordon von Steiner
Music: Stereo Alchemy, "God of Love"
Models: Candice Swanepoel, Liu Wen and Joan Smalls
GQ USA # Feb 2012
The Lust List Outtakes