Art-direction: Lili Aleeva
Models: Sofja Sannikova, Irina Meshina, Julija Galimova
Projects: Behance
Stylist: Nicoletta Santoro
Model Isabeli Fontana (UNO BCN)
Client: Donna Karan
Campaign: Fall 2011
Via: fashiongonerogue
Thanks: Laura Elvis
"Yo quería jugar un poco con la idea de posesión, bien contra el mal, oscuridad vs luz, etc. Gran parte de la inspiración vino de antiguas historias de fantasmas y películas, y en cuanto a la composición y la luz, la inspiración vino de pinturas renacentistas de edad. "
"I wanted to play around with the idea of possession, good vs evil,dark vs Light etc.. A lot of the inspiration came from old ghost stories and movies, and in terms of the composition and light, the inspiration came from old renaissance paintings.“
Religious Experience
Concept/Photography: Dilia Oviedo
Styling: Ana Sting
Hair & Make Up: Lara Tascon & Lucie Gardiner-Worship
Models: Lauren Auerbach, Ann Müürsepp
Concept/Photography: Dilia Oviedo
Styling: Ana Sting
Hair & Make Up: Lara Tascon & Lucie Gardiner-Worship
Models: Lauren Auerbach, Ann Müürsepp
Photographer: Inez & Vinoodh
Stylist: Emmanuelle Alt, Suzanne Koller and Melanie Ward
Magazine: Vogue Paris
Title: Escale à L.A.
Via: fashiongonerogue
Personal Project _ Clownville. "Always dreamed to do an Adolf portrait. To tell my personal view about this little man.
My grandfather was a french socialist and was captured by Nazis as a political prisoner. He has been working in several camps before being sent to Auschwitz. He was lucky because he survived until the Russians arrived in 1945."
My grandfather was a french socialist and was captured by Nazis as a political prisoner. He has been working in several camps before being sent to Auschwitz. He was lucky because he survived until the Russians arrived in 1945."

Ha trabajado para varias agencias internacionales y clientes como JWT, Saatchi & Saatchi, Leo Burnett, BBDO, Corbis, Pepsi Cola, Kraft, Gatorade, Novartis.
Sus imágenes aparecieron en muchas revistas y periódicos como The New York Times, Communication Arts, Panorama First, Vision, Vogue Russia, GQ Russia, L'espresso, Computer Arts, entre otros.
Cognac (Francia). Vive en Roma.
He arrived quite late to photographt, at 28, but fortunately passions are timeless. To take pictures has become something that goes beyond the simple realization of images and has deeply changed his way of experiencing life and relating to others.
He worked for several international agencies and clients such as JWT, Saatchi & Saatchi, Leo Burnett, BBDO, Corbis, Pepsi Cola, Kraft, Gatorade, Novartis.
His images appeared on many magazines and journals such as The New York Times, Communication Arts, Panorama First, Vision, Vogue Russia, GQ Russia, L'espresso, Computer Arts to name some of them.
Cognac (France). He lives in Rome.
Portfolio: Web and Blog
Via: AriSignes
Imágenes conceptuales, escaleras kilométricas, escenarios surrealistas, son el resultado de su manera particular de ver el mundo, revelando una personalidad única, memorable y fascinante.
Recientemente Amber ha dirigido su atencion a la dirección cinematográfica.
The characters portrayed in Amber Gray’s work inhabit a world more colorful, dramatic, and whimsical than our own.
Conceptual images, mile-high staircases, surreal places, result in a particular way of seeing the world, revealing a unique, memorable and bewitching personalities.
Amber has recently turned her attention to film direction.
Portfolio: Amber Gray
Thanks: Xurxo Baca
Amber has recently turned her attention to film direction.
Portfolio: Amber Gray
Thanks: Xurxo Baca